14. Juli 2021
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Timeline of U.S. Sanctions from April 2018 to April 2021
Francisco Javier Díaz Madriz
E.O. 13818*
Francisco Javier Díaz Madriz is the Nicaraguan National Police (NPP) commissioner, responsible or complicit in significant acts of violence and human rights abuse, including extrajudicial killings.
Fidel Antonio Moreno Briones
E.O. 13818
Fidel Antonio Moreno Briones was personally implicated in ordering attacks on protesters as far back as 2013 and involved in using public funds to pay for FSLN party activities.
José Francisco López Centeno
E.O. 13818
José Francisco López Centeno is the vice president of Albanisa, which used funds to finance the FSLN party.
27 November 2018
Néstor Moncada Lau
E.O. 13851
Nestor Moncada Lau was engaged in acts of corruption on behalf of Ortega and Murillo.
Rosario María Murillo De Ortega
E.O. 13851
Rosario María Murillo De Ortega has been the de facto co-president of Nicaragua since 2007. She is a leader with access and influence over the Sandinista Youth and has a long history of engaging in acts of corruption.
17 April 2019
Banco Corporativo SA
E.O. 13580
Banco Corporativo SA arranged goods or services in support of Vice President Rosario Murillo.
Laureano Ortega Murillo
E.O. 13851
Laureano Ortega Murillo is an official of Ortega’s government and engaged in corrupt business deals.
21 June 2019
Gustavo Eduardo Porras Cortés
E.O. 13851; NHRAA**
Gustavo Eduardo Porras Cortés serves as president of the Nicaraguan National Assembly, enacted significant actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Nicaragua (e.g. the amnesty law).
Orlando José Castillo
E.O. 13851
Orlando José Castillo was, at the time of the sanction, the General Director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services, which President Ortega and Castillo have used to silence independent media.
Sonia Castro González
E.O. 13851
Sonia Castro González is the minister of health, and was engaged in significant human rights violations.
Oscar Salvador Mojica
E.O. 13851
Oscar Salvador Mojica promoted the Ortega regime’s “exile, jail, or death” strategy to silence the opposition, and manages a significant portion of President Ortega and Vice President Murillo’s official and personal finances.
7 November 2019
Ramón Antonio Avellan Medal
E.O. 13851; NHRAA
Ramón Antonio Avellan Medal is a current official of Ortega’s government and the director of the NPP that has been involved in acts of violence or human rights abuse.
Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker
E.O. 13851
Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker is a current official of Ortega’s government and the president of the Nicaraguan Supreme Electoral Council, involved in undemocratic tactics to ensure that President Ortega and his allies win elections.
Roberto José López Gómez
E.O. 13851
Roberto José López Gómez is a current official of Ortega’s government and the director of the Social Security Instituto, an entity that has engaged in many practices of corruption.
12 December 2019
Rafael Antonio Ortega Murillo
E.O. 13851
Rafael Antonio Ortega Murillo is a money manager for the Ortega family.
Inversiones Zanzibar, S.A. and Servicio deProtección y Vigilancia, S.A.
E.O. 13851
Inversiones Zanzibar, S.A. and Servicio de Protección y Vigilancia, S.A., engaged in money laundering for the Ortega regime and the Ortega family’s personal enrichment.
Distribuidor Nicaraguense de Petroleo S.A. (DNP)
E.O. 13851
Distribuidor Nicaraguense de Petroleo S.A. engaged in money laundering for the Ortega regime and the Ortega family’s personal enrichment.
5 March 2020
Nicaraguan National Police
E.O. 13851; NHRAA*
The NNP is heavily involved in human rights abuse and violent repression on behalf of the Ortega regime.
Juan Valle Valle
E.O 13851; NHRAA*
Juan Valle Valle is an NNP official, responsible for or complicit in significant acts of violence and human rights abuse.
Luis Alberto Pérez Olivas
E.O. 13851; NHRAA*
Luis Alberto Pérez Olivas is an NNP official, responsible for or complicit in significant acts of violence and human rights abuse.
Justo Pastor Urbina
E.O. 13851; NHRAA*
Justo Pastor Urbina is an NNP official, responsible for or complicit in significant acts of violence and human rights abuse.
22 May 2020
Julio César Avilés Castillo
E.O. 13851
Julio César Avilés Castillo was politically aligned with President Ortega, refused to order the disbarment and dismantling of the paramilitary.
Iván Adolfo Acosta Montalván
E.O. 13851
Iván Adolfo Acosta Montalván arranged significant financial support to the Ortega regime.
17 August 2020
José Jorge Mojica Mejía
E.O. 13851
José Jorge Mojica Mejía (Mojica) is one of the most trusted front men of the Ortega family. He acts as a personal representative of the Ortegas, creates shell companies to launder money and conceals their ownership and illicit profits.
Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo
E.O. 13851
Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo was responsible for or complicit in directly or indirectly engaging or attempting to engage in a transaction or series of transactions involving deceptive practices or corruption by, on behalf of, or otherwise related to the Nicaraguan government or a current or former official of the government, such as the misappropriation of public assets or expropriation of private assets for personal gain or political purposes, corruption related to government contracts, or bribery.
Difuso Comunicaciones S.A.
E.O. 13851
Difuso Comunicaciones S.A. is sanctioned for being owned or controlled by, or for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Juan Ortega.
Mundo Digital S.A.
E.O. 13851
Mundo Digital S.A. was designated for being owned or controlled by, or for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Mojica.
9 October 2020
Paul Oquist
E.O. 13851
Oquist was, at the time of the sanction, the Secretary of the Presidency for President Ortega and played a lead role in covering up and justifying the regime’s crimes and human rights abuses.
Ana Julia Guido Ochoa
E.O. 13851
Guido is the Attorney General of the Prosecutor’s Office, and she helped form a group of prosecutors who worked with the U.S.-sanctioned NNP to fabricate cases against political prisoners. Additionally, Guido created a specialised unit that has spent the past two years bringing charges against peaceful protesters.
Caja Rural Nacional (CARUNA)
E.O. 13851
CARUNA is a savings and loan cooperative operating as the Ortega regime’s main tool for funneling proceeds from Nicaragua’s concessionary oil schemes with Venezuela to use as a resource to pay off the Ortega patronage network. Regime officials, including those sanctioned by the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, are taking advantage of Caruna’s lack of regulatory oversight to shelter their ill-gotten gains.
21 December 2020
Marvin Ramiro Aguilar García
E.O. 13851
Marvin Ramiro Aguilar García is the vice president of the Supreme Court, national political secretary of the Sandinista Leadership Council, and a member of the Council for the Administration and Judicial Career of the Nicaraguan Supreme Court of Justice, which ensures regime supporters are selected for key posts. As the national political secretary, Aguilar is in direct contact with President Ortega and Vice President Murillo and reportedly coordinates the targeting of pro-democracy opposition members.
Wálmaro Antonio Gutiérrez Mercado
E.O. 13851
Wálmaro Antonio Gutiérrez Mercado publicly supported the controversial Foreign Agents Law.
Fidel de Jesús Domínguez Álvarez
E.O. 13851
Fidel de Jesús Domínguez Álvarez is the chief of the NNP in Leon, and has reportedly directed numerous assaults on Nicaraguan citizens and journalists.
* Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act
** NHRAA: Nicaragua Human Rights and Anticorruption Act 2018
Apoyo de los Estados Unidos a un retorno a la democracia en Nicaragua