Online-Workshops mit Miroslava Rosales am 28. und 29.Januar um 16 Uhr
Wir laden euch ganz herzlich zu unseren Online-Workshops „Feminism in
Latin America: Two cases: Sayak Valencia and Rita Segato“ mit Miroslava
Rosales am 28. und 29.Januar um 16 Uhr ein. Die Veranstaltung findet im
Rahmen unserer AG Intersectionality und auf Englisch statt.
Wenn ihr teilnehmen möchtet, schickt uns eine kurze Email, dann werden der Link und die Texte zugesandt.
Hier geht es zur Facebook-Veranstaltung:
In Latin America, there is an outstanding feminist tradition that has placed in the public arena topics like motherhood, the ethics of care, the triple working day, sexuality, cultural-colonial configurations of gender.In this workshop, we will focus on Rita Segato´s and Sayak Valencia´s work with the purpose of understanding how they problematize the notion of gender and power and how they incorporate elements like the colonial issue in their analysis.
Thanks to Lilian Bello Suazo, a Salvadoran artist based in Guanajuato, for her illustration.
Important: Please register via E-Mail, send us a short message so we can provide you with the Zoom Link and the texts!
Wir freuen uns auf Euch.
Autonomes Frauen*referat des AStAs der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal
facebook: „Autonomes Frauenreferat des AStA der BUW“
Instagram: „frauen_referat.wuppertal“
Session 1
Sayak Valencia and the gore capitalism.
Required text: Gore Capitalism (MIT Press, 2018). Pp. 6- 31.
Session 2
Rita Segato: the gender system, violence, power.
Required text: “Patriarchy from Margin to Center: Discipline, Territoriality, and Cruelty in the Apocalyptic Phase of Capital”. South Atlantic Quarterly, 115: 3, July 2016, pp. 615-624.
“A Manifesto in Four Themes”. Critical Times, volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 198-211.
Each session will be divided in two parts:
Exposition of the chosen texts (30 minutes).
Discussion openly by the group (30 minutes).
It is vital the active participation and previous reading of the texts.
General information
Target audience: this is an open workshop for students interested in feminism, human rights, critical social theory, Latin American issues.
Dates: January 28th and 29th 2021
Schedule: 16:00-17:00 hours (German time)
Mode: online